In partnership with Cigna, the HR Committee Task
Force set out over the las 18 months to review
exising frameworks and recommend a roadmap for
developing robus and coherent policies and bes
practices in human resources in the GCC region.
In the wake of the COVID19- pandemic, HR leaders are
moving away from crisis management and focusing on
what will make their organizations srong, both today
and in the future, including having the right skills and
competencies, building resilience and having a srong
team of leaders. This committee has been working to
provide a platform to discuss operational issues,
exchange ideas, and create a continued dialogue
towards policy enhancements and reform.
Join us for this panel discussion followed by a
Q&A as we highlight initial key areas of concern
to where we are now after this unprecedented
year and also touch on the way forward and how
HR will look in the future.